Sunday, July 26, 2009

Min-vacation #4

(After ABVD)

Part 2

One of our favorite hiking trails (and an easy one) at Canaan Valley is the Blackwater River Trail that can be found easily by parking in the parking lot of the golf course. Notice the great t-shirt that I am wearing. It was a gift from PJ and Chuck. If you do not understand the meaning, email me! (chuckle)

This hiker is ready for the adventure!

The Blackwater River Trail goes through meadows, forests, and follows for a short distance along the Blackwater River. It is not uncommon to see the evidence of beaver populations in the river. Here are the excited hikers leaving the parking area.

One has to love the populations of ferns! It makes the forest so very special.

Rachael held up Miss Lucy so so could look through a tree hole. Only thing she saw was Grandpa with the camera.

Time for the girls to rest before heading onto the river. (Actually we would call Blackwater River a stream!)

At the river, the hikers explored the banks. The Blackwater River is a meandering stream that provided excellent habitats for a variety of aquatic life.

Along the river, there is a special place where limestone has eroded to form tombstone shaped rows. We have always called these "fairy rocks". When our girls were small, we took photos much like the ones of Flora and Lucy shown below.

These photos brings back wonderful memories of years ago.

Rachael loved the orange hawkweed found in the meadow and grassland areas of the trail. Orange hawkweed is native to Europe. It was introduced into the US for its flame-colored flowers.

Rachael also discovered the blossoms of St. John's wort. In many countries this plant is used to treat depression.

Leaving the river, we head back through the forest to return to our vehicles.

Flora is learning first-hand how the forest constantly changes. This tree has fallen because of shallow root systems. This opens up additonal habitats for other of nature's critters.

The girls return to the cabin and are ready for another adventure. See tomorrow's blog for Part #3!


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