Friday, March 18, 2011

A Sunny Sunday

On Sunday I drove to Watoga State Park to try my hand at fishing at Watoga Lake. As always, I had to check out our love nest on the second floor of the main building. We started out out marriage in July of 1967. Our suite (OK- room with shower) is on the right of the main entrance. Many wonderful memories here.

The weather was sunny and temperatures in the 50's. Along the trail where I would give nature walks were clumps of the lovely ground pine (club mosses)

The wind was gusty on the lake so I only succeeded in drowning one worm. As I was casting, I looked up and, lo and behold, there was an art piece against the sky.

On the tree limbs above were an assortment of bobbers and lures. The unskilled novice casters had been here! I packed up and left so I would not add to this assortment of fishing equipment.

It is always a special time when one can stop and enjoy the sights and sounds of a fast running brook.

Tomorrow will be the end of our Seebert adventure with the photographing of a most unique flower.


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