Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Pocahontas Saturday

After our hardware adventure we went back up to Buckeye and visited a little bakery on top of the mountain. Judy bought a few treasures for her pitcher collection. (Which I dropped and broke as we were unpacking when we got back home.)

In the evening we ate at Dories Restaurant in Marlinton before the show at the Opera House.

The Opera House is so neat. The folks have done a wonderful job in restoring the historic structure.

Performing Saturday evening was the Glenville State College Bluegrass Band. Our friend, Buddy Griffin, is the leader of the crew.

The kids do a great job.

We had a great evening and visited friends that we had seen in a while. Tracy Samples was there and has not changed in appearance from her high school days. Mary Sue Burns and her husband (both excellent old time musicians) were there. Mary Sue had just returned from the Galapagos Islands. She is a great teacher (Chemistry and Physics at the high school) and received an all expense trip as part of the Toyota teacher's program. Man, what a trip of a life time! If anyone deserves that experience it would be Mary Sue. (Well, Jim and Judy Meads would accept that offer also.)


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