WVU has many unique fans. We were talking with Bill and Melanie when who should arrive? No, not Santa, but Eerman the Beerman. Eerman rides his motorized cooler through the crowd of fans.
Sarah just had to take a photo of Judy and me with Eerman. Scary - my ears are almost as large as his!
Many fans have painted faces and lovely hairdos.
As you can see, cornhole is a most popular sport during the tailgate experience. For you all who do not know this game, let me explain. Cornhole is a game in which players take turns throwing cornhole bags at a raised platform with a hole in the far end. These platforms are usually made of plywood and are often decorated. A corn bag in the hole scores 3 points, while one on the platform scores 1 point. Play continues until a player reaches the score of 21.
Sam decided he was ready for a game. Dad Jeff and Nate look on.
OK- Nate finally decided it was time for action. He collected as many of the cornhole bags (footballs) and was off to participate in the throwing.
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