Monday, January 04, 2010

Bob Update

You will remember that Bob is the stray male feline that showed up a couple of weeks ago and has been living under the back deck. Due to the kindness of our Charleston friends, Mr. Bob has a heated house. Inside his Rubbermaid bin is an electric kitty nest. It has been so cold these past weeks. This week is no exception.

Lows tonight is forecast to be 12 degrees. Tomorrow night 17 degrees. This trend continues throughout the week. Highs will be only in the 20's. Bob is so happy he has a warm place to sleep and rest. He went into the house immediately as soon as he eyed the new abode.

Because of the stub tail and the pointed ears, there is a possibilty he may be a manx (instead of a mixed breed with a bobtail). If you cat experts have any ideas, please leave your comments.

We need to schedule our inside cats their annual booster shots soon. Bob then must have a feline leukemia test. If it is negative, we will schedule a neutering! Please do not tell Bob!


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