Sunday, December 27, 2009

Gift Exchange
Family Luncheon
Arriving at Sarah and Jeff's on Wednesday were Diana, Bill, Sister Judy, and Grandma Great. Our Christmas lunch consisted of salads, BBQ sandwiches, and other goodies. Judy welcomed Miss Santa Diana.

Sister Judy is such a high tech person and is scouting out subjects for her new digital camera. (NOT!) I can not believe that she arrived this day without a single puppet to entertain the kids.

I forgot to mention that Flora lost a front tooth. (All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth.....)

The afternoon was for the kids. We decided that this year we would buy for the kids and not the adults. This seemed to work out really well. Grandma Great and Flora were waiting patiently for the gifts to be distributed.

OK! Let the unwrapping begin!

All three older kids received from us a Bilibo. Here is the description of this award winning toy. "Designed in Switzerland, this toy has won countless awards for design and play value. Its simplicity is deceptive -- after extensive study of children's play patterns. Bilibo is a completely open-ended toy that stimulates a child's imagination. It can be a helmet, sit and spin, doll cradle, train tunnel, shovel, water basin, and much more! Let your imagination run wild! Nearly indestructible, suitable for indoors and outdoors." If you are interested check out

Sir Nate was not left out. He received some cool clothes and toys. Here he is with the chewable doll that Aunt Diana gave him!

Notice the box that Flora just opened. Yep, it says "MOON SHOES"!

The label could have easily just as read "Ankle Breakers"!

We are always so grateful that Grandma Great can be with us.

This day was a special one for Sister Judy and Brother-in-law Bill. This was their 30th wedding anniversity. We thought we should surprise them with a cake. They left Wednesday afternoon so that they could drive to South Carolina on Thurday and visit the southern Greenleaf family. Grandma Great will stay with us until Sunday.

Diana also left in late afternoon in order to return to her farm on Fallen Timber. As you can see there was still plenty of snow on the ground from the Saturday storm.

It was a great day!


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