Friday, May 30, 2008

The Birthday Cake

There may have been a small problem with singing "Happy Birthday" to Sammy. I think the singing may not have been a quality performance if you look at Sammy's reaction!

It was time to blow out the "2 Year Old" candle. Sarah helped with this task.

It is so fun to watch the kids eat the cake. Check out Lucy.

Flora has donned her hat and is enjoying all the kid's action.

Sarah planned a "Blue's Clues" mystery hunt after the cake cutting. Just as in "Blue's Clues", the kids had to find the clues and Sarah recorded the clues in the "notebook".

The prizes were a chocolate "Blue" candy stick and a box of "Blue's Clues" mementos. The box contained a ball, notebook, and this great magnifying glass. Here is cousin Derek using his new magnifying device.

Here are a few final shots of Lucy in action.

It was a happy time and Mr. Sam is now officially two years old.


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