Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas 2011

On Saturday, December 17, our family celebrated the holiday at Sarah's and Jeff's house. Judy and I arrived on Friday as did John, Rachael, Flora, and Lucy. Grandma Great, Aunt Judy and Bill, and friend, Diana, came on Saturday afternoon.

Sarah had the house decorated in fine style.

It is always a blessing to have Grandma Great join us in the celebration.

Diana was cute playing "hoop ball" with the boys. As Diana and the boys were involved in sports activities....

... others were busy in meal preparation.

Bill and Sarah were discussing the fine art of gourmet meal preparation. (NOT!)

Sarah and Judy basted the ham with a yummy glaze.

Before the meal, we all gave blessings for the food and our family.

Soon after the meal, the kids were ready to open presents.

I have to mention that Sister Judy bought a new puppet for her gift. Yep, it runs in the Meads family - a tradition to purchase your own present!

Tomorrow- Opening of the presents.


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