Saturday, December 17, 2011


The recipe that I used is from the WVU Extension Office. (Jenny Bardwell; Curriculum Coordinator, Health Sciences and Technology Academy; Susan R. Brown, Salt-Rising Bread Enthusiast; Patricia L. Kisner, Extension Agent, Monongalia County)

Salt-Rising Bread

1 medium Irish potato, sliced and placed in a jar or bowl. (No idea why Irish- seems as if a Gilmer County spud would be fine.)

1 T. cornmeal
1/4 tsp. soda
1/4 tsp. salt
2 cups boiling water

I placed the mixture above into the proofing chamber (top plastic box). The water bath was just over 90 degrees. The aquarium heater would not produce temperatures around 100 degrees.

The starter was covered and I let it rise until morning. The mixture was foamy and “smellie” the next morning. Yes, HOG SLOP has been achieved!

I poured off the liquid and threw away the potatoes. The next step involved mixing 2 cups of very warm water with 1/2 cup shortening. Then 1 teaspoon salt (next time I am increasing salt quantity), 4 teaspoons sugar, and 5 cups of flour were added.

The rising mixture was added to make a stiff batter. I placed it back into the incubation chamber and let it rise until double in bulk. Then 6 cups of flour was mixed in to make a soft dough. Let rise 10 minutes. I warmed the oven to 175 degrees and then turned it off and placed the dough into the oven to allow the dough to rise.

The dough was then kneaded for 3 minutes and placed into two medium in greased pans.

The mixture was let to rise in the oven until the loaves came to top of the pan.

Baked at 450 degrees F for 15 minutes, then at 400 degrees F for 25 minutes.

The salt rising bread makes wonderful toast! How can a bacteria that produces this yummy bread also cause gas gangrene in another environment?


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