Sunday, October 15, 2006

Mom and the School House

Mom worked Friday morning with one of her best friends, Louise Garrett. They conducted tours of the 1920’s one room school house that has been restored on the site of Heritage Park in Spencer. Heritage Park is an area in downtown Spencer that not only has the restored school but also an early 1900's oil derrick, depot museum and B&O caboose.

Mom is active in the Roane County Retired Teachers Association and they were instrumental in establishing the old Newburn on the Heritage Park site in the 1980’s. During that period, Mom was scouring the state for old desks and other period pieces for the school.

Here is Mom and sister Judy.

Judy retired this year after thirty two years of teaching kindergarten and first grade at Spencer Primary. She got all the usual questions from her many friends during the festival. “How is retirement?” “Do you miss teaching?” These are just a few of the same old questions the non-retired folks ask! They do not realize how wonderful retirement is and how blessed we are to be able to enter this phase of our lives. I always say that you know that you are retired is when you can go to the beach in the fall. Sister Judy and brother-in-law Bill were sitting on their porch last week, when Judy heard a large truck. “What is that?” Bill looked at Judy and said- “A SCHOOL BUS!” How soon we forget!


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