Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Odocoileus virginianus

These whitetail deer fawns have now lost their spots and are well on the way to adulthood. The twins have been feeding for several weeks at Don and Marilyn’s house across the street. They have been really enjoying the fruit from their crab apple tree.

Here is a little information concerning the reproduction of our West Virginia deer.
Most whitetail deer (particularly males) mate in their second year, although some females occasionally mate as young as seven months. Bucks are polygamous although they may form an attachment and stay with a single doe for several days or even weeks until she reaches oestrus. Does are seasonally polyoestrous and usually come into heat in November for a short twenty-four hour period. If a doe is not mated, a second oestrus occurs approximately 28 days later. Mating occurs from October to December and gestation is approximately 6 and a half months. In her first year of breeding, a female generally has one fawn, but 2 per litter (occasionally 3 or 4) are born in subsequent years. Fawns are able to walk at birth and nibble on vegetation only a few days later. They are weaned at approximately six weeks. Life span in the wild is 10 years, but whitetail deer have lived up to 20 years in captivity.


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