Monday, August 04, 2008

Flora At Fallen Timber

Yesterday afternoon was spent with Diana. Flora, Grandpa, and Grandma once again enjoyed Diana's beautiful pool on Fallen Timber. I should have mentioned in earlier blogs that Diana's house was built in 1907. Yep, One hundred and one years ago. It is a wonderful and lovely house.

Flora was ready to hit the pool. At first she was a little apprehensive since the total depth is four feet and was over her head. With the help of her flotation jacket and the "Noodles", it did not take long to get Flora comfortable in the water.

Diana is such a wonderful hostess.

The three ladies are enjoying the water. It was around 80 degrees and the hunidity was low.

Guess noodling is quite the fun. Noodling to me is a technique used to collect turtles and catfish along the stream bank. These noodles, I guess, are given the name for their shape.

Here are more photos of water fun!

After the swim and before it was time to go home, Flora checked out Diana's lovely flowers. Many thanks, once again, for a great visit!


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