For the past two weeks (August 5 - 18th), we have been on vacation in the Pacific Northwest. We visited relatives in beautiful Washington State. Boy, our Washington family showed us a great time. A few days after arriving, all the Davis family joined us for a cruise to Blake Island and then dinner at Tillicum Village. Above is Uncle Bob and Uncle Gary getting ready to venture onto Blake Island.
Blake Island is a 475-acre state park located in Pugent Sound just across from Seattle. In Tillicum Village we saw masks, costumes, carvings and totem poles, each representing tribes and areas. This is a unique and great way to experience the Northwest, its native cultures, and its environment.
Tillicum is a neat gourmet experience. Upon our arrival we were treated to fresh steamed clams. I really liked them but most of our group did not savor these mollusks. They were yummy!
After the performance, we reboarded the cruise ship and traveled back to Seattle. I shall post this week some of our other vacation adventures.
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