A Bear!
Yep, our friend, Maxine Smith, heard a noise outside of her house Saturday night. There was quite a racket around the bird feeders. Maxine lives off River Street on Quail Hollow Road. After getting her trusty flashlight, she discovered a "teenage" bear enjoying her sunflower seeds.
Maxine called 911 and they said that a DNR person would call. The "animal expert" said this is the time of the year that Mom Bear leaves her young. The young are now on their own. This bear was obviously passing through and trying out the gourmet treats along its journey. The DNR fellow said to bring your trash in and the beast should continue to move on.
Maxine called her son-in-law, Stan, who lives just up the road. She related her experience. Stan said to call if she needed help. Stan awoke at around 1 AM and went to get a drink. You guessed it - the bear was on Stan's deck!
How neat to be able to see these critters! They can, indeed, be more of a problem than our friends - the raccoons.
Jim, you might be interested in this story... http://jc-wheniwasaboy.blogspot.com/2010/03/bear-in-woods.html
Thanks, my friend!
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