Sunday, December 06, 2009

The Last and The First
On Saturday the first snow of the season came into our fair hamlet. It was a beautiful snow. Judy (with her Greek Fisherman Hat - I mean MINE) looked like the snow angel that she is.
Rachel, Logan, and Grandma Sharon were searching the hills and valleys for the rare snow gourds. They had success!

Logan is planning on making a bird house out of his discovery!

The first snow of the season was an amazing event. It fell and stuck on the trees, but the roads were basically clear.

While Saturday was the first snow, it was also the last date for the Farmers Market in Glenville for 2009.

Our friend Logan stopped by the market. He is our young friend, who loves rocks, minerals, and fossils!

It was snowing but the fire was not started!

Don took charge and started the fire pit.

It was fun to see so many folks come out on a cold day and sell and buy wreaths, garlands, fruit, honey, and cookies.

Who is making these fine varieties of handmade goat milk soap?

Why, tis our friend David Millard!

It is time to think about purchasing a Christmas tree. The folks had many fine trees for sale.

It was a great first and last on Saturday!


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