Friday, January 20, 2012

Love My iPhone!

I bought the newest iPhone (white) at the first of the year. As usual, it is wonderful. My wife is now blessed to be in the iPhone Club also. (Yes, she took over the controls of our old iPhone - I be so kind to that lady!) Chuckle.

A plethora of apps are available for smartphones. I love the app, Find My iPhone. Judy is amused when I misplace one of our phones or iPad and I select this app in order to find my lost "friends."

This was reported yesterday in The Seattle Times.

A 14-year-old Seattle boy used an iPhone app to help police track down a burglary suspect and recovery thousands of dollars in stolen electronic equipment, including his mother's missing cellphone.

The newspaper says an officer "quarterbacked" the operation from Max Malkin's kitchen. As the teen tracked the suspect on the GPS-driven "Find My iPhone" app on his laptop, the officer communicated with police on the street until they spotted a potential suspect at a McDonald's.

Police followed the suspect, who was carrying a hefty duffel bag, to a bus tunnel, while Malkin followed his journey on his laptop.

At that point, a police report says, the officer asked Max to call his mother's stolen iPhone. When it rang, the suspect pulled the phone from his pocket and police closed in.

"When the phone rang," Malkin's father, Heraold, told The Times, "the guy kind of knew the jig was up."

The whole operation lasted only about 15 minutes, The Times says.

Officers arrested the 20-year-old suspect early Saturday and recovered $4,000 worth of stolen electronics, the newspaper reports.


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